A Christmas Gift from Rascal Flatts

The popular Country Music Singers, Rascal Flatts, created a special recording of the
beautiful Christmas Song, Away in a Manger, that you can download for free on their web-site, here:

I also love their release of I'll be home for Christmas. It's a lovely version. You can Download this Song from Amazon for 99 cents or check out the rest of their album, titled Rascal Flatts unwrapped.

The song, Away in a Manger, has special meaning to me... as a little girl I sang this in a Christmas Music Pageant. It's such a precious song with great meaning in it's lyrics....

"Away in a manger,
no crib for His bed,
The little Lord Jesus
lay down his sweet head.
The stars in the sky
looked down where He lay
The little Lord Jesus,
asleep on the hay.

The cattle are lowing,
the poor Baby wakes,
But little Lord Jesus,
no crying He makes;
I love Thee, Lord Jesus,
look down from the sky
And stay by my cradle
till morning is nigh.

Be near me, Lord Jesus,
I ask Thee to stay,
Close by me forever,
and love me, I pray!
Bless all the dear children
in Thy tender care
And take us to heaven,
to Live with Thee there."


God's Blessings to you all... Merry Christmas!

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