Easter Cartoons + It's the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown airs Next Week on ABC

It's a grand time for those who love Animation Classics. Snow White is premiering on the Disney Channel this weekend (click here for more news about that + my own personal rememberance story) and Charlie Brown is back in Prime Time next week - Wednesday, March 31, 2010 on ABC in It's the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown. It's another wonderful Holiday Edition of the Peanuts Gang Classics Cartoons. This one, like all the others, is just as adorable!

Watch as Marci tries to figure out how to boil and color easter eggs, and the rest of the gang goes Easter Shopping, and there's the hiding of eggs... while Linus tries to convince Sally to wait for the Easter Beagle! Oh, Brother!!!

It's so Precious... and the Children will surely love it - as Snoopy dances around hiding eggs just like the Easter Bunny! So cute!

While it is sweet to see such adorable Easter Cartoons, it's also nice to see other cartoons that portray the true meaning of the Easter Holiday. One of my favorite, is Easter Is. It's about a boy whose classroom project is for all the students to draw a picture on a poster of what Easter means to them. One boy's drawing is so beautiful - it will surely touch your hearts.

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