If you missed "Beyond the Blackboard" on Sunday Night, the newest Hallmark Hall of Fame

Hallmark Hall of Fame DVD Beyond the Blackboard Movie
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 The movie Beyond the Blackboard probably won't be replayed on TV for some time. It is typically over a year or more before Hallmark replays one of their Hallmark of Fame Movies again on CBS or the Hallmark Channel.

However, like many Hallmark Hall of Fame Movies, it is available on DVD.

You can see the dvd, here:

Hallmark Hall of Fame DVD - Beyond the Blackboard

I hope this information is helpful to all of you and I hope you had a very nice Easter.

I know many of you, were busy, still gathering Easter night with family, as I was. However... we would love to know, from those who were able to see it on Sunday night... what you thought of it?

Please see the Beyond the Blackboard page for more pictures & details!

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